Klinker special tiles

The actual hygienic sanitary regulations in food industry require, in the surfaces of rooms where food products are produced or handled, the must be free of angles and right-angled corners. This to avoid deposits of dirt and possible sources of bacterial chargewhich would be difficult to remove during normal cleaning.

In joints between floor and cladding and all vertical surfaces (both concave and convex) a so-called 'shelled' form must always be present, made with suitable dimensional and colour characteristics, as well as suitable materials.

We offer a wide range of:

  • Klinker special tiles
  • Barriers
  • Joints

Available in Different colour and finishing solutions, to accomplish sanitary and hygienic regulations.

Contact us to learn more



Shells (special pieces) eliminate all 90° edges, having a important role in industrial hygiene in different industries, such as

  • Food industry, beverages and industrial kitchens
  • Chemical facilities
  • Hospitals and farmaceuticals
  • Wellness centers 

Make cleaning easier and are perfect also in environments with heavy load handling

Eliminating corners in your company’s environment may seem to you like an insignificant detail, but today the hygienic-sanitary which needs to be respected are very severe: avoiding the deposit of dirt and all possible sources of bacteria, guaranteeing high hygiene standards and protecting your employees, are now legal obligations..


Contact us, for a first free evaluation of your project.